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4 Foods You Should Avoid To Minimise Scars After Surgery

Are you about to undergo a surgery and are worrying about scars? Well, if you think that minimising scars totally depends on your surgeon, you are not totally right.

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It’s because it depends on you too. You may be surprised to know that you can minimise scars of surgery with proper nutrition.

There are some foods that promote wound healing and make your tissue strong. At the same time, there are certain other foods too that can impair the repair process of your skin and prolong your recovery.

If by now, you were living on junk food or following a fad diet, and if you are about to undergo a surgery, like male breast reduction Melbourne by Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne or by your trusted cosmetic clinic, it’s time to change your food habits.

Here are some foods that you should avoid if you will soon be going under the knife in order to minimise the post-surgery scars.

1. Sugar

Sugar can be called as an enemy of skin health. This is because sugar can reduce the quality of your collagen as well as elastin.

Collagen and elastin work to create a fibrous network that offers elasticity as well as structural stiffness to your skin and plays an important role in all stages of wound healing.

Scar tissue is an indication of reduced resistance which in turn indicates reduced collagen.

By eating sugar, you are putting your collagen and elastin at risk and increasing the chances making your scar thicker and more prominent after a surgery like nightlase Melbourne by Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne or if you’re not in the area you can just visit the nearest reputable cosmetic clinic in your area.

2. Foods Rich in Nitrates

It’s important that the blood vessels reaching the site of surgical wound should be healthy for a proper healing process as they supply oxygen and nutrients needed for healing.

In such a case, if you take excessive nitrates in your diet, it can cause damage to these vessels and impair the process of wound healing.

Nitrates occurring naturally in vegetables are healthy for you, but those added as preservatives to processed meats like salami, hot dogs and bacon are bad for health.

Consuming too much of these unhealthy nitrates can cause atherosclerosis in which fatty plaque accumulates on the inner walls of your vessels, obstructing blood flow and thus prolonging your healing time and stimulating the formation of scars.

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3. Alcohol

Alcohol impedes the absorption of nutrients needed for the repair of your skin at the site of the surgical wound by damaging the cells of the lining of stomach and intestine and preventing the breakdown of nutrients.

Due to this, the nutrients cannot be transferred in the blood and so, cannot reach the site of the surgical wound.

Alcohol hampers the absorption of proteins which are transformed into amino acids which produce collagen which is essential at every stage of wound healing. Thus its deficiency can make your wound weaker and your scar prominent.

Alcohol also hampers the absorption of vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B vitamins which are essential for wound healing and cell maintenance.

4. Caffeine

Although caffeine is a powerful antioxidant, it can impair the healing process of your wound. Excessive consumption of caffeine can affect nutrient absorption and dehydrates your body.

So, stop taking these foods and look forward to having minimal scars after your surgery.