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Benzodiazepines: the effect of it on Drug Addicts

Benzodiazepines – a group of medicines that have a hypnotic, sedative effect, relieve cramps. The drug is used for people with disturbed sleep, anxious and restless condition. Many drugs in this group are tranquilizers, hypnotics, but are part of a common group of CNS depressants.

If you use them correctly, the funds do not cause side effects. Preparations of the benzodiazepine group are often used in neurology. It is important to know the mechanism of action of benzodiazepines and the emergence of dependence on Detox for benzodiazepines.

A group of drugs was synthesized in 1957. As many studies have shown, drugs have a positive effect on the body in various disorders, but with prolonged use, the effectiveness decreases and a number of side effects appear.

The chemical formula of benzodiazepine

Also, in the course of research, it has been established that benzodiazepines are becoming addictive, after complete rejection of the tablets, withdrawal symptoms appear.

Benzodiazepines – psychoactive elements that affect the nervous system, after use, anxiety is removed and there is a relaxation of the nervous system, patients quickly want to sleep. In medical practice, benzodiazepines are used, the action of which is directed to the following conditions:

  • Epilepsy
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders.
  • Anxiety and fears.
  • Spasms in the musculature.

The mechanism of action of benzodiazepines is such that they are often used to treat drug addicts who have used:

  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines
  • Hallucinogenic preparations

Also, benzodiazepines are used to reduce panic. It is worth noting that the drugs of this group are used for drug dependence, although they themselves have a narcotic effect. Dependent people use drugs not for treatment, but for getting euphoria and buzz from taking.

Diazepam is on the list of benzodiazepine preparations

It is this group of drugs that has become a substitute for barbiturates. True after the 1980s, drugs have found many side effects, including brain damage, addiction. Therefore, since that time, any drugs are sold only on prescription, in a limited amount.

List of drugs

There are several drugs that are often used by drug addicts. List of benzodiazepine preparations:

  • An anxious feeling is reduced.
  • There is complete tranquility.
  • There comes peace.
  • Pass pains and sensitivity to them.
  • Deteriorated care.
  • Complete relaxation, satisfaction.

Doctors for the treatment of the nervous system often appoint pills included in the described group, but after therapy, some patients use drugs not for their intended purpose, but to get high. As a rule, drug addicts carry out counterfeiting of prescriptions.

Mechanism of action of benzodiazepine

Benzodiazepines are able to interact with GABA receptors, increasing the affinity of gamma-aminobutyric acid to these receptors, thereby reducing the excitability of neurons and the CNS. After the reception, not only the therapeutic effect appears, but also other actions. The effect of benzodiazepines is as follows:

  • An anxious feeling is reduced.
  • There is complete tranquility.
  • There comes peace.
  • Pass pains and sensitivity to them.
  • Deteriorated care.
  • Complete relaxation, satisfaction.

Drug addicts use to achieve the desired effect, the dosage is 2-3 times higher than necessary to obtain a therapeutic effect. This can cause not only a certain result, but also poisoning with benzodiazepines, an overdose.