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Mesterolone: Introduction, Benefits and Dosage Cycle

The use of anabolic steroids for health treatments is not surprising. However, it’s not limited to it. The use of anabolic steroids among fitness freaks, for body building and training purpose has tremendously increased.

Building muscles, gaining strength is little tricky without the use of anabolic steroids. Many supplements are scientifically verified and listed in the category of safe supplements, but still some people find it difficult to choose the right one.

In this article, we are going to talk about Mesterolone.

What is Mesterolone?

Mesterolone belongs to the group of anabolic androgenic steroids. It is widely used in medical world for some serious health diseases.

Image result for Mesterolone: Introduction, Benefits and Dosage Cycle

What benefits does it serve?

Mesterolone serves number of health benefits. Some are listed below:

  • Increase in mental alertness.
  • Treatment of male infertility and Hypogonadism, which is deficiency of hormones in male’s body responsible for reflecting masculine characteristics.
  • It is widely used in male body as it resists aromatization, which prevents the testosterone from converting into estrogen.
  • Beneficial to children who suffer from issues like bedwetting. Apart from this, it can be used for treating cholesterol problems, reducing fatty acids etc.,

Apart from this, the use of Mesterolone is quite popular among body builders and athletes because of its amazing muscle building effects of the drug. Following are the reasons for its immense popularity among body builders and athletes:

  • Helpful for cutting cycle.
  • Reduces damage to the muscles or body tissues.
  • Helps in developing muscles mass.
  • It also increases muscle strength and size.
  • Boosts up stamina and enhances strength.

Dosage cycle

The dosage cycle differs depending upon the user’s age, weight etc. However, dosage recommended is 50mg – 150mg daily, preferably up to 9 or 16 weeks.

Where to get it?

Being a popular product, you may easily come across some websites selling it. Before you order one, look out for the company’s source, originality and product quality. Also, you can find them at pharmacies. Some popular forms of Mesterolone are

  • Mesteranum/Mestoranum
  • Proviron
  • Testiwop
  • Androviron

Is it safe?

Yes, it is safe since it is used in medical world for a number of health treatments. However, any medicine can cause side effects, when misused. Also, most of the time the causes contributing to the side effects are:

  • Over dosage.
  • Allergies or some health issues like diabetes, pressure problems etc.

It’s absolutely safe and as mentioned has numerous positive results too. We suggest you to try this once to bring out effective changes and improvements in your body.