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Why Hair Transplant after the Age of 24

What are Hair Transplants?

The hair transplant is a single option to restore your hair back permanently with full of natural and an aesthetic effect if you lost your hair, mainly due to the androgenic alopecia. The procedure of hair restoration involves the changing the location of hair roots from the donor portion to the recipient one in such a manner that the patient gets a head full of hair on the bald portion. The result of hair transplant procedure is only fruitful if it is done by the expert hair transplant Surgeon as it requires the artistic skills more than that of the scientific approach.

Why Hair Transplant recommended after attaining the state of Maturity?

The Hair transplant procedure is one of the core chapters of the cosmetic surgery, which is an elective one and only recommended by the hair transplant Surgeon. However, it is regardless of having the desire for it in order to get it as a stylish manner. The procedure needs the chief criteria to fulfill before going to opt it as a final decision. The hair transplant procedure is not advisable in the case of a very young patient as it needs a special set of eligibility criteria to fulfill related to the state of hair loss as well as the anatomical and physiological status of the patient.

To get the procedure of hair transplant is very much prominent in the Pink city, Jaipur as the place has the world’s reputed and leading hair transplant centres. The hair transplant in Jaipur is also very much well & high in demand due to the cost concerns as the cost of hair transplant in Jaipur comes under the budget decision.

Why Hair Transplant after the age of 24?

Early Hair loss Proceed to Extensive Balding

The more you get affected with the hair loss problem more you need to delay the procedure until you attain the state of maturity in order to utilize the donor area hair more effectively. It is advised by the expert hair transplant Surgeon to take the procedure after attaining the age of 25 to best utilize the donor area, hair in order to save it for a further session if required. The early hair loss is an indicator of severe further balding and need to take the remedial step by the medicines until & unless you attain the state of maturity.

Limitations of DHT resistant Zone

It is difficult to define the extent of donor area in the form of an exact shape and size in the younger patient as it changes in the length and width as according to the age and the most important that the state of miniaturization can occur at any age. The patient should wait until they cross the age of 24 to get the best aesthetic benefit of the hair transplant procedure. The permanent zone of the scalp usually from the back & sides of the scalp, which is resistant to the DHT (DI-hydro Testosterone) hormone never fall out as these areas hair roots are destined to remain permanent in nature even the person lost all hair from the scalp, but never loss from these permanent areas.

Donor Area Stability

Generally, the donor area is resistant to the DHT hormone and never fall out, which is primarily used in the hair transplant procedure to give the permanent long lasting hair roots. But, in some peculiar cases, the patients have a less common type of Androgenic alopecia, known as the Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA). The patient affected with DUPA do not have the stable donor area as it loses their stability over time and becomes thin and fall out in the future unable to give the aesthetic effect of the procedure.


In the nutshell, wean say that the procedure of hair restoration is an elective process which is recommended by the expert Surgeon after the age of 24 to get the best aesthetic & long lasting effect of the procedure.