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7 Dental Care NJ Tips To Enhance Your Oral Hygiene

Once again you’re half-asleep starring at your bathroom mirror trying to recall the best dental care NJ practices. Some of the ABCs of dental care NJ include brushing, rinsing and flossing. However, maintaining your oral health will take more than just squeezing toothpaste. Regular oral hygiene routines will leave gaps in case you engage in some poor habits at the sink. By practicing proper dental care techniques, you will enhance both your confidence and appearance.

7 Best Dental Care NJ Practices

  1. Use the Right Toothpaste, Mouthwash, and Floss

The first step to achieving proper oral hygiene is to love the products you use on a daily basis. Therefore, always choose your toothpaste, flossing devices, and mouthwashes that have the ADA seal of approval. Also, decide whether to use pastes or gels and then choose the right one. Your next step is to choose a flossing device that will work for you. Some people are not able to use regular floss. Fortunately, there are several types of flossing devices in the market today, including floss picks, flossing tape, water picks, and brushes. Lastly, get a mouthwash that contains antibacterial ingredients and fluoride.

  1. Wait Before You Brush

Do you have the habit of taking a glass of orange juice in the morning? You may want to hold off brushing for some time. Most foods and drinks that have a low pH or foods that are acidic soften the enamel of your teeth for a while. Therefore, brushing immediately afterward could remove bits of your enamel and make your teeth more prone to decay. In a recent study, it was discovered that people who waited for 30 to 60 minutes to brush their teeth after taking soda had less wear on their teeth compared to those who brushed immediately after.

  1. Brush Regularly

Dental care professionals recommend that you brush at least twice every day for three minutes. Ensure that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush that can reach every part of your gum line to remove plaque and food particles.

  1. Floss Once Every day

Flossing once every day will help remove food particles that get stuck between your teeth. When left between your teeth, these food particles turn into a soft and sticky substance (plaque). If you don’t remove the plaque within 24 hours, then it will harden into tartar which can only be removed by a dentist.

  1. Limit your Consumption of Sugary and Acidic Foods

After consuming sugary foods, they turn into acid in your mouth and they eventually erode your teeth’s enamel. These are the acids that lead to cavities. Acidic teas, fruits, and coffee can also erode your enamel and stain your teeth. While you shouldn’t avoid eating sugary foods altogether, it is important to be mindful.

  1. Visit Your Dentist

Although your daily dental care NJ habits are important to your overall dental health, even the most diligent brushers and flossers should visit a dental care provider regularly. Ensure that you visit your dentist for checkups and dental cleanings at least twice a year. Not only will your dentist remove calculus and check for cavities, but they will also look for signs of other oral problems and treat them. Keep in mind that if you have a chronic or temporary condition such as diabetes, you may need frequent checkups to reduce the risk of developing gingivitis and gum disease.

  1. Purchase a DentalSave Discount Dental Plan

Did you know that your health insurance doesn’t cover preventive dental care NJ procedures? To get affordable dental care, visit DentalSave and purchase the most appropriate plan. These plans don’t have waiting periods, copays, and deductibles.